How to take the tansy of parasites

Infestation by the worm is considered to be common to the disease. To combat malicious organizations effective medicines and medicinal plants. One of the most popular remedies is the tansy of parasites. How to accept, which is useful and which is against the plant, describe in this article.


The inflorescence, so-called, of the fauna of the mountain ash have unique properties that help to get rid of giardia, pinworms and roundworms. This type of plant is used in many countries as a vermifuge natural of the drug. To use it you need the special regime, by respecting the duration of the therapy, and to prepare strictly according to the recipe. The grass is not considered completely safe so, before you see your doctor.

Useful properties

Tansy a negative impact on the parasites through the particular composition. It contains a mono-turpin, which is able to cause paralysis of the musculature of worm-malicious. This component in small doses, without danger to the man and even allowed to add in foods, giving them a tart flavor. The presence of the bitterness provides an unfavorable environment for the habitat and reproduction of helminths in the digestive tract.

The tansy is composed of the useful components:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • the tannins;
  • polysaccharides;
  • the essential oils;
  • the alkaloids;
  • the organic compounds.

In addition, the plant promotes the elimination of the body of the toxins accumulated during the life of the parasite. In addition, it improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, quickly recovers and nourishes the damaged tissues. As a result, accelerates the healing of the sick and readjusts its state of health.

Characteristics of the impact

The tansy is included in the list of cultures of have a bitter taste. In practice, it has been proven that this substance is a good antagonist to malware, which are parasites in the digestive system.

Helminths live and proliferate actively in an environment saturated with large amounts of sugar. The presence of bitterness in the surrounding space affects their growth and development.

The impact of tansy during the invasion worm

The impact of the tansy when worm infestation is not complete. With the exception of the poisonous influence, it promotes the elimination of the living parasites from the body. The plant gradually accumulates in the large intestine, on the walls. And at the time of the emptying of helminth parasites leave the human body with impulses.

Course of the receipt of the wildlife of the mountain ash

Before resorting to such a way to get rid of the alien worm is hazardous, you must learn the rules of the reception of this plant. To combat pests using flowers and seeds, as well as the powder, the powder of dry grass. Authorized the use of tansy to earth in the form of infusion, decoction and alcohol tincture.

Medicinal drink you can't drink for a long time, because it contains a substance thujone, which in large dosage can cause hallucinations, clouding of consciousness, and mental disorders.

Animals of the popular reception of drugs twice a year, when the length of the courses are no more than a week. After the consumption of the tool must take the medicine that is necessary for the INTESTINAL cleansing of the victims of parasites.

Where to find

Multi-year tansy-part of the family Astrov. It grows in temperate climate zones. It is everywhere. The inflorescences are yellow on the edges, in the steppes of the prairie, near the water, on the solar fields. The plant blossoms in July–August, and fruits ripen in September. It is you that is collected in the grass recorded the highest concentration of minerals.

Most importantly, the collection in eco-friendly areas, far from roads and industrial areas.

The rowan you can find and purchase at the pharmacy. The price varies from 50 to 90€. In addition to this, there are capsules or tablets of dried herbs, designed to destroy and eliminate parasites dangerous to the body.

How to get

If you collect the plant independently, and then dry the need in the air, avoiding the rays of the sun or in a well-ventilated place. Periodically, you need to stir the mixture.

Dried, the flower should be stored in paper bags or cotton bags.

For an anti-parasitic recipes is used mountain ash, wild-collected is not more than two years. The elders of the grass already don't have all the useful features.

The inflorescences can grind in a coffee grinder, for the comfort and good application. The place from where the raw materials must be dry. Only if the respect of all the advice on the collection and supply of tansy its medicinal value to persist for a long time.

Tea with tansy

Contra-indications and adverse effects

Drink the tansy of parasites, you must with great care, strictly observing the dosage in recipes. Because of the toxic component treated in this way to not be of more than a week. If the need is in the extension of the course, it is best to take a break of a few days, and then resume. Special attention should be shown during the course of the therapy to children, people with chronic diseases and the elderly.

Contra-indications to the use of tansy:

  • the ages of the children.
  • diseases of the cardio-vascular diseases;
  • breast-feeding;
  • high blood pressure;
  • of pregnancy.
  • the presence of tumours of unspecified etiology;
  • allergies;
  • renal failure and hepatic failure;
  • the aggravation of chronic diseases;
  • the hyperthermia;
  • SARS;
  • ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Reactions include:

  • headaches;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • disorders of the intestine;
  • pain in the stomach.

Treat, if the grass of the pregnant women and children

The women in such a position way to combat parasites is contraindicated. The plant causes an inflammatory process in the uterus, and miscarriage. It contributes to the reduction of muscles, causing contractions in pregnant women. Of toxic substances tansy a negative impact on the development and formation of the fetus. Therefore, this vermifuge the tool is not allowed to take time of gestation of the child.

Tansy against intestinal worms is given to children in the form of decoction, is mandatory, respecting the dosing of the cooking. The drug cannot be used for the treatment of parasites in children up to 3 years, because it causes a variety of violations in a small body. Herbal brew, it is recommended to drink to the child 3 times per day in the following proportions:

  • 3 to 7 years: 1 c. l.;
  • 7 to 10 years of 50 ml;
  • 10 to 14 years of 75 ml;
  • over 14 years of 100 ml
The flowers of tansy

Self-medication of the child is not. Only the physician should decide how to take the tansy, what dose and how many days.

The traditional recipes

All parts of the plant are also useful and applicable for therapeutic purposes. Tansy prepare: decoction, alcoholic tincture, tea or powder.

The cooking mode depends on the anthelmintic activity of the tool.

The tansy in the pure state

To get rid of parasites this way need of the powder of the dried colors of the grass. It is easy to make, store and use.

For this, you need to:

  1. Grind in a mortar or a coffee grinder main ingredient.
  2. Pour into a special tight capacity.

Ready-to-tool is necessary to eat 0.5 tablespoon before meals twice a day.

The optimal duration of treatment — 5 days.

It is important that during the processing of the powder tansy not to fall into the respiratory tract of man, because it can cause a variety of ailments. To avoid such moments, you can pre-pour in a glass with warm water or mix it with honey. In the latter case, the bitterness in the mouth will not be imposed, and to eat a vegetable drug a lot more enjoyable.

The powder of seeds of

In the opinion of many specialists in the field of herbal medicine, the seed powder of the plants more effective than the decoction of the flowers. Liquid digested in the stomach in large quantities, and in the intestine, where live the main parasites, are already in small quantities. Therefore, a positive result is obtained only in the course of a prolonged treatment.

The powder of the seeds of tansy, found in the digestive tract, almost not transformed in the stomach and is found in the large intestine. The consumption dose for adults is 0.5 tablespoon before eating twice a day. Course of treatment by this means a much shorter one. It can cover 3 to 5 days, so that the effect is achieved more quickly.

Infusion of the flowers

The drink of parasites is prepared from 2 tablespoons of tansy flowers, which blend in a litre of water. On the water bath, the mixture is brought to a boil, and then insists about two hours.

Loan anthelmintic medication must be warm 50 ml after meals 3 times per day. The course is one week.

The patient must always respect the proportions during the cooking of the tea and adhere to the rules of intake natural of the drug. Keep the drink must be in a cool place. The duration of life per day.

For prophylactic purposes, it is enough to drink a brew once a week to a few months.

Tansy and pumpkin seeds

Tansy and pumpkin seeds

The pumpkin seeds have powerful pest control action. They contain cucurbitina, which is a toxic substance. It contributes to the destruction of nearly all the species of worms, of large and small individuals, since exerts toxic effects on muscle, eggs, and larvae. As a result, the parasites lose their ability to cling to the lining of the intestine, actively multiplying, and the poster of the influx.

When sharing tansy and squash seeds properties of these components complement each other, focusing on the helminth parasites of the pernicious influence. For the firing of the popular folk remedy will need: 10 inflorescences and 70 g of sunflower seed kernels. The components need to grind to the powder state.

The mixture of every day, take 1 tablespoon before meals. The patient to solve his / her problem, just three days of treatment.

The russians, the triad"

If you combine multiple anthelmintic herbs, it is the effect will come in a few days after the consumption of the tool. The Russian triad has been known for many decades as a powerful medicine plant parasites.

Its main components are:

  • the flowers of tansy — 3);
  • absinthe — 1;
  • cloves — 1.5 g

The mixture does not require heat treatment, the maceration or infusion. Only need to divide in 3 parts:

  1. On the first few days of the receipt of followed by 1 dose 30 minutes before meals.
  2. During the second day of treatment — 2 doses.
  3. On the third day — 3 doses.

You need to repeat the 3 days of treatment at the end of the week. For prevention, take a dose of 1 time per week for 3 months.

For more comfort, the consumption is allowed to dilute ready-to-tool a little water.

We all need to make the prescription and comply with the admission rules.

Tincture of tansy

For the preparation of the tincture of tansy will need: 100 ml of vodka (you can use 70% alcohol) and 25, of the inflorescences. The flowers, you have to pay the liquor and leave to act for 10 days. The solution you regularly need to stir. Medicine plant is stored in a dark place at room temperature.

Take 30 drops of tincture at the end of a hour after dinner, the night for 6 to 7 days. Before the consumption of the tool, you can dilute it with a glass of water.

In the case of diseases of the GASTRO-dye in the pure state is forbidden to drink, because the alcohol irritates the mucous membranes of the organs. To avoid the deterioration of the state of health, you must first consult your doctor.

Chicory, tansy and yarrow

Chicory, tansy and yarrow

A decoction of tansy, chicory and yarrow as well as helminth infections. To effectively combat the parasites first, you need to prepare:

  1. All components of the collection in the same proportion 1 c. mix, and filled with 0.5 litre of boiling water.
  2. The tool need to a simmer in a water bath at low heat for about 20 minutes

For a long time to cook is impossible, as a long thermal treatment contributes to the loss of the beneficial properties of the plants. Broth ready to take three times a day 100 ml after a meal in a period of 7 days.

This drink helps to get rid of parasites and dangerous to perform cleansing the body of accumulated toxins.